Apple TV+ - Streaming

Apple TV+

Streaming from 26/02/2008  
Streaming from 24/02/2008


Streaming from 23/02/2008
Streaming from 21/02/2008
Streaming from 20/02/2008
Streaming from 19/02/2008
Streaming from 18/02/2008
Streaming from 17/02/2008


Streaming from 16/02/2008
Streaming from 15/02/2008
Streaming from 14/02/2008
Streaming from 13/02/2008


Streaming from 12/02/2008
Streaming from 11/02/2008
Streaming from 10/02/2008
Streaming from 09/02/2008


Streaming from 08/02/2008
Streaming from 07/02/2008



LimaThere Will Be Blood(2007) 

Masterful craftsmanship without artistic compromise. A perfect study of an ambitious, egocentric soul, in whose bearer – the oilman Plainview – the film world has one of the juiciest characters in its history. The… (more)


A romantic/dramatic film in which I didn't notice a single emotion. That’s too bad. In terms of the visuals I have no reservations, but everything else was worthless. Starting with the unsympathetic Michael Pitt (the… (more)

DaViD´82There Will Be Blood(2007) 

"That was one goddamn helluva show." Yup, it sure was... In other reviews you frequently come across strong claims such as movie of the year and the like. I might even increase the aforementioned unit of time to cover a… (more)