Apple TV+ - Streaming

Apple TV+

Streaming from 26/12/2014  


Streaming from 25/12/2014
Streaming from 24/12/2014


Streaming from 23/12/2014
Streaming from 22/12/2014
Streaming from 21/12/2014
Streaming from 19/12/2014


Streaming from 18/12/2014
Streaming from 17/12/2014
Streaming from 15/12/2014


Streaming from 14/12/2014
Streaming from 12/12/2014



EvilPhoEniXThe Gambler(2014) 

I was expecting the film to spend more time in the casino and gambling, but the film is more about Mark Wahlberg's life and his self destruction. Wahlberg was good for his role, I liked him as always, but the film lacks… (more)

novotenThe Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies(2014) 

Roads go ever ever on, under cloud and under star; yet feet that wandering have gone turn at last to home afar. For some, it's a barrage of computer tricks, for others, a pleasant adventurous ride, for still others, it… (more)

POMOExodus: Gods and Kings(2014) 

A Biblical epic about Moses, in which there is no need to analyze the characters and their relationships, because we all know them well. We should be satisfied with the beautiful epic concept with breathtaking exteriors… (more)