Apple TV+ - Streaming

Apple TV+

Streaming from 10/06/2020  


Streaming from 09/06/2020


Streaming from 08/06/2020


Streaming from 07/06/2020
Streaming from 06/06/2020
Streaming from 05/06/2020




angel74A Rainy Day in New York(2019) 

Woody Allen, a tireless cinematic storyteller with a wonderful sense of poetry, restraint, and comic detail, tries to present New York in all its beauty, attractiveness, nakedness, and depravity through a newly-in-love… (more)

NinadeLA Rainy Day in New York(2019) 

Who would have thought that A Rainy Day in New York would be the Woody Allen movie that gets the ax? I don't want to comment on that case, but I'm glad that the film itself is still a classic Allen film from recent… (more)

D.MooreA Rainy Day in New York(2019) 

If you can't do better, a normal life will do. Another beautiful Woody Allen film, and I couldn't care less how many other beautiful Woody Allen films it reminded me of. I spent an hour and a half enjoying the lightness… (more)