Apple TV+ - Streaming

Apple TV+

Streaming from 30/04/2021  
Streaming from 29/04/2021


Streaming from 28/04/2021


Streaming from 27/04/2021
Streaming from 26/04/2021


Streaming from 25/04/2021
Streaming from 24/04/2021


Streaming from 23/04/2021



MarigoldLet Them All Talk(2020) 

Let them all talk, they'll never tell each other the important stuff anyway. This is a film about silent wrongs, eternal things left unsaid and the fact that the most important and profound things are made of the most… (more)

EvilPhoEniXThe Seventh Day(2021) 

Guy Pearce joins forces with a priest to cleanse the city of evil. After a long time, a properly unusual film on the subject of exorcism that takes a slightly different route, which is welcome. Unfortunately even on… (more)

novotenMortal Kombat(2021) 

At first I just wanted to rejoice in what a big leap it is from the universally adored guilty pleasures by Paul W.S. Anderson, which sadly got old a while ago. However, the more I think about it, the more I realize how… (more)