

7 social science-fiction shorts. 7 emerging directors. 7 visions of the future in 2050. Launched by Pascale Faure and Brigitte Pardo for Canal+ Short Programmes and Creations in partnership with the magazine We demain, the “Demain si j’y suis” (Tomorrow if I’m There) collection is based on well-documented facts. The directors all attended a series of conferences with scientists, futurologists and philosophers before heading o to a writing residency. Broadcast as part of a special Canal+ series “Le Meilleur Est Avenir” (The Future is Best), this collection advances by thirty years the cinematographic world of young directors who anticipate the dramatic changes to come in our society: behaviour, couples, prison, medicine, sex or family, all of them everyday subjects explored through the collection. (Strasbourg European Fantastic Film Festival)

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