
Post-apocalypse England. The 20 survivors of the nuclear war carrying on as best they can. They have a new queen (Mrs. Ethel Shroake of 393A High Street, Leytonstone) and have managed to re-establish some semblance of British society. Admittedly young Penelope is 17 months pregnant and Lord Fortnum has decided to become an old English estate (he eventually settles for turning himself into a bed sitting room) but the British way of life continues. Fundamental standards such as "stiff upper lip", "know your place" and, above all, "preserve the status quo" are being rigorously upheld as life in the wreckage goes on. This 1969 absurdist triumph began life as a one act play by Spike Milligan and John Antrobus that was quickly expanded to a full stage production. Eventually it fell to Richard Lester, the director who practically defined British cinema in the 60s to put this bizarre, minimalist anarchy onto the big screen. (Shock Entertainment)


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