T. Rex Autopsy

(TV movie)
USA / UK, 2015, 2x47 min


T. Rex Autopsy sees the world's first life-sized anatomically precise model go under the knife in an incredible visualization of the anatomy and biology of the most infamous predator to have ever lived - Tyrannosaurus Rex! Prepare to peel back the skin of one of nature's most extraordinary predators and experience the unimaginable: a full T. Rex Autopsy. Get up close and personal with a heart 100 times larger than a human's, see eyes the size of a grapefruit and massive serrated teeth up to 30cm long. Explore and seek answers to questions such as did the T. Rex had feathers, how did it feed, was a hunter or scavenger and was it warm-blooded like a mammal or cold-blooded like a reptile? This once-in-a-lifetime experiment offers you an unprecedented opportunity using cutting-edge special effects, as we get right inside a Tyrannosaurus Rex where esteemed veterinary surgeons, anatomists and palaeontologists touch, smell and cut open a T. Rex for the very first time in history! (Madman Entertainment)
