Final Solution

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India, 2004, 218 min (Special edition: 150 min)

Directed by:

Rakesh Sharma


Tanmay Aggarwal


On February 27 in 2002 in the West Indian state of Gujarat, a train carrying a group of Pilgrims was attacked. 59 Hindus burnt to death that day. Set in Gujarat between February 2002 and July 2003, the film examines the aftermath of the deadly violence that followed the attack. In reaction to that incident, some 2,000 Muslims were brutally murdered, hundreds of women raped, and more than 200,000 driven from their homes. During a campaign, the Hindu nationalist Party BJP called the genocide the success of Gujarat. They achieved the absolute majority in the following elections. Final Solution gives a thorough and convincing analysis of the political use of religious hate. In interviews, it deals with the trauma caused to the more than four million Muslims living in Gujarat. The many different voices present a complex image of the horrible events. (DOK.fest München)

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