
International Crime, a mile-a-minute thriller, follows the detective work of rookie criminologist Lamont Cranston (Rod La Rocque) who doubles as The Shadow. As he's reporting for a radio crime show, his assistant Phoebe Lane (Astrid Allwyn) hands him a note saying the Metropolitan Theatre is to be robbed that night. As an aside, he includes this bit of news at the end of his report about Honest John (William Pawley), a notorious safe cracker who's been released from prison. Through with his report, Cranston goes to the theatre to be robbed, but nothing happens. Across town, a safe is blown at the home of an international banker who is killed in the explosion. Is this a simple robbery case or a red-herring meant to camouflage a more complex scheme - the work of Honest John or a dastardly frame job? (Echo Bridge Entertainment)



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