Constance Marks

Constance Marks


Constance Marks is an award-winning independent documentary filmmaker. She is the founder and president of Constance Marks Productions, Inc., a documentary production company based in New York City. Marks began her filmmaking career over 30 years ago as an assistant editor for the renowned Cinema Verité pioneers,
David and Albert Maysles.

Marks' critically acclaimed films have been shown theatrically, broadcast widely, and garnered numerous awards. Her productions include: RETURN TO APPALACHIA which aired on PBS, LET’S FALL IN LOVE; A SINGLES WEEKEND AT THE CONCORD HOTEL which was selected by the Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences as one of the outstanding documentaries of the year, and GREEN CHIMNEYS -- a full-length documentary feature film which premiered at the Sundance Film Festival and aired on HBO. Marks has also produced numerous films focusing on important social issues including homelessness, the elderly, experimental charter schools and substance abuse recovery residences.

Constance Marks Productions




Doc Talk



Grandpa Was an Emperor