Rolf de Heer

Rolf de Heer

Born 04/05/1951 (73 years old)
Heemskerk, Noord-Brabant, Netherlands


Rolf de Heer (b.1951, Heemskerk, Netherlands) has lived in Australia since he was eight years old. He spent seven years working for ABC TV, after which he studied at the AFTRS in Sydney. Today he works as a screenwriter, director and producer. Although he has been working in film for more than 30 years, he first gained attention in 1993 with Bad Boy Bubby. The film won the Special Jury Prize at the Venice film festival. The Tracker (2001), which was shown in the Horizons section at the 2003 KVIFF, explored the issue of racism in Australia in the first half of the 20th century. Perhaps his best known film is his ballad about the life of an aboriginal tribe, Ten Canoes (2006), which won an award in the Un certain regard section at Cannes. His latest film, Charlie's Country, was shown in the same section.

MFF Karlovy Vary






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