Ilinca Goia

Ilinca Goia

Born 06/03/1969 (55 years old)
București, Romania


Ilinca Goia (1969) is a Romanian actor, whose acting debut is linked to the most prestigious Romanian student theatre company, Podul (The Attic). After graduating from the National University of Theatre and Film in 1992, she attended the courses of the "Old Globe" University in San Diego and appeared on its stage. She received a complete scholarship at The American Musical and Dramatic Academy in New York.

Her theatre experience was soon broadened when she performed on the Civic Light Opera's stage in San Diego, but also on Romanian stages, working with prestigious theatre directors such as Noel Craig, Elliot Swift and Andrei Serban. Her performance in Todd Salovey's Dybbuk was highly praised by the Critics Board in Los Angeles and obtained a Drama-Logue award. Although she has mainly performed and specialized in theatre, Ilinca also starred in various TV productions such as Roberta's Diaries (1999), Poor Man, Rich Man (2006 - 2007), Mothers' Doctors (2008), but also in features such as White Lace Dress (director: Dan Pita, 1988) and The Moment of Truth (Andrei Blaier, 1991).


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