Ben Coccio

Ben Coccio

Born 02/08/1975 (48 years old)


Ben Coccio studied film at the Rhode Island School of Design. Following graduation, he wrote and directed the short film 5:45 A.M., which was showcased at the London International Film Festival and subsequently received a theatrical release.
Zero Day, his award-winning first featureas director, which he wrote with his brother Christopher, was a controversial hit on the festival circuit and played theatrically in domestic release. The film, on which he was also a producer and editor, won the top prize and/or audience award at the Florida Film Festival and the Atlanta Film Festival, among others, and brought him an Independent Spirit Award nomination for the "Someone to Watch" prize.
Ben Coccio has also written and directed the feature The Beginner. He was scripting the feature Fordlandia, adapting it from Greg Grandin's book of the same name. Fordlandia was a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize and other honors. The film version was produced by Bill Pohlad and his River Road Entertainment.

Focus Features




The Beginner


Zero Day