Mohan Dayaram Bhavnani

Mohan Dayaram Bhavnani

Born 1903
Hyderabad, Sind, Britská Indie

Died 30/12/1962
Bombay, Maháráštra, India


Mohan Dayaram Bhavnani was born in 1903 in Hyderabad (now Pakistan) and has directed a total of 56 films, including 12 documentaries. He studied at the College of Technology in Manchester (1921-4), and moved then to Germany to study film-making (1924). His career in Bollywood started in 1925 and was marked by the fact that his films were the earliest efforts in the Indian cinema to create a Hollywood-type movie star. In 1932 he returned to Germany to study sound film technique and then started his own production company (1935-48). He produced and directed the first full-length colour film shot on 16mm Kodachrome and blown up to 35mm. In 1958 Bhavnani followed up an invitation from Zhou En-Lai to make a documentary on China and travelled extensively throughout the country shooting with cameramen Kishore Rege and S.K. Kulkarni.

Festival bollywoodského filmu



Bisvi Sadi


Prem Nagar


Double Cross


Lafanga Langoor